Isle of Lewis

Wildlife Festival Art Exhibition
An Lanntair Café Foyer, Stornoway
Saturday 1st - Saturday 29th June
Come along and marvel at the works of local artists inspired by the incredible natural heritage of the Outer Hebrides.
Artists include: Clare Fowler-Potts. Kevan Cadman. Holly Nash. Lindsay Bradley. Gill Thompson. Suzanne Lambert. Debbie Cullis. Annice MacLeod. Fiona Simes.
The Stornoway exhibition will be taking place in the An Lanntair Café Foyer, running from the 1st to the 29th of June.
​Image: Harebells on the Machair by Annice MacLeod

Guided Bat Walk
Lews Castle Grounds, Stornoway
Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd June, 10pm - 11pm
Hosted by the Outer Hebrides Bat Group and Bat Conservation Trust
Come and join the Outer Hebrides Bat Group on a guided bat walk around the Lewis Castle grounds. We'll meet half an hour before sunset, brief you and take a walk around the castle grounds looking for bats. As we walk, we'll talk about all things bats, their biology, behaviour, conservation and more. We'll even have bat detectors on hand to let you try them out!
We'll be walking around the castle grounds, mostly walking woodland paths. The route may be as much as 2-3 km long over varying qualities of pathways, with slight undulation at times (it will also be dark) so this event may not be suitable for those with limited mobility or wheelchair users.
16 and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
Please dress appropriately for the weather (remember it's late so it may begin to get colder as the walk goes on).
Wear appropriate footwear for walking on mixed terrain with good ankle support.
Bring along a torch and/or head torch if you have one.
Free. Donations welcomed.
Book your place via: outerhebridesbatgroup@gmail.com
​Image (c) Hugh Clark, Bat Conservation Trust
'Our Seas' Coastal Testimonies Photographic Exhibition
An Lanntair Upper Mezzanine, Stornoway
Monday 17th - Saturday 29th June,
Hosted by Our Seas
Drop in Sessions (Drum Room, An Lanntair):
Friday 28th June, 12pm - 2pm
Saturday 29th June, 12pm - 3pm
Janet Marshall, Dangers of Marine Litter to Wildlife (Drum Room, An Lanntair):
Friday 28th June, 2pm - 2.30pm
An exhibition presenting a powerful, inclusive and diverse set of testimonies and photographic portraits capturing the depth and breadth of perspectives across coastal communities of Scotland. The exhibition gives a voice to often marginalised and underrepresented perspectives, inspiring debate.
For the past year Our Seas have met with people all over the coast of Scotland gathering testimonies of first-hand experiences and local knowledge of Scotland’s inshore seas. We have spoken to many people from all eleven Scottish marine regions, including commercial fishers, skippers, sea anglers, politicians, naturalists, scientists, local businesses, community representatives, artists, and those with recreational interests and commissioned a photographer to capture their portrait. These testimonies and portraits will be the foundation for a photographic exhibition to be toured around a number of coastal locations.
On show as part of the Outer Hebrides Wildlife Festival will be a selection of these portraits and testimonies. You can also learn more about the project and share your own testimony of the inshore seas at one of our 2 drop in sessions running throughout the week (Friday 28th 12-2pm, and Saturday 29th of June, 12pm - 3pm). You can also hear first hand from one of our testimony givers, Janet Marshall, as she talks about the dangers of marine litter on wildlife (Friday 28th 2-2.30pm).
Our Seas is a coalition of 140 coastal businesses, community groups, fishermen’s associations and environmental organisations campaigning for the environmental recovery of Scotland’s coastal marine environment and the revival of sustainable inshore fisheries. While the primary focus of this project is to gain a better understanding of inshore environmental and fisheries issues through the collection of personal accounts, we also hope to raise awareness of the coalition’s campaign and inspire greater dialogue and action within communities.
Contact details: info@ourseas.scot

Discover your local bats workshop
An Lanntair, Stornoway
Saturday 22nd June, 10:30am - 12pm
Hosted by Cathryn Baillie, Bat Conservation Trust
This presentation, aimed at beginners, invites you to explore the wonderful world of bats! It covers which bats are in the UK, how they are surveyed, and how you can find these amazing animals in your local area. It will show you how to carry out your first bat count and ways in which you can continue to develop your skills.
Open to all. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss any concerns or requirements around participation.
Please book to secure your place by emailing: cbaillie@bats.org.uk
​Image (c) Hugh Clark, Bat Conservation Trust

Woodland Stand-up Paddleboard Lesson
Community Woodland, Aline
Saturday 22nd and 29th June, 10:30am and 1:30pm
Hosted by SurfLewis
Join SurfLewis at Aline Community Woodland as they celebrate the Outer Hebrides Wildlife Festival with an Introduction to Paddleboarding Lesson. The sheltered location at Aline on the border between Lewis and Harris is a prime location for spotting Eagles, Herons and woodland birds.
Suitable for anyone aged 10 and up. All participants need to be able to swim 50m unaided. Please bring a towel to change and any relevant medication ie inhaler etc.
Cost: £45
Contact details: contactsurflewis@gmail.com ​

Explore & Conserve: Seabird Walk
Port of Ness, Isle of Lewis
Monday 24th June, 10am - 12:30pm
Hosted by Atlantic58 Environmental and Ecological Consultancy
Join Atlantic58 for a seabird walk at Port of Ness, led by Dr. Ruth Jeavons and ecologist Gus Maclean. Discover the cliff nesting seabirds of Ness, learn about their ecology, and find out how you can contribute to conservation efforts on the island. Receive a handy poster with QR codes to conservation apps and programs. Come help put Lewis on the biodiversity map!
The event will be held along the coastal path from Port of Ness. We will be meeting at 10am at Ness Social Club. A minibus will pick us up there and take us to Port of Ness. The walk will finish at around 12:30pm.
Unfortunately this event does not have wheelchair access. It is a coastal path with associated uneven ground, and exposure to the elements. The walk itself will be about 10 minutes out to the cliff, and 10 minutes back.
Please wear outdoor clothing and binoculars if you have them (but we will bring some spares!)
Free. Booking is essential via ruth@atlantic58.co.uk

Hebridean felted pebbles workshop
29 Coll, Isle of Lewis, HS2 0LP
Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th June, 2pm - 4:30pm
Hosted by Alpacan Alpacas
Make a ringed hebridean felted pebble, using our own alpaca fibre, and locally made soap.
Choose your fibre, choose your soap and create a fabulous island keepsake to take home. Be inspired by our ringed pebbles found all over the Island.
As we leave the pebbles to dry, we will walk down the croft to meet the alpacas, and see the flora and fauna in the croft which overlooks Coll shore with its abundant birdlife.
The alpacas will be down the croft so ability to walk over slightly uneven ground is needed. Appropriate for ages 12 and up.
Please dress appropriately for weather conditions.
The activity will be taking place in an old barn, which may contain spiders!
Tea and coffee can be provided. Anyone with allergies must inform the host so that precautions can be taken.
Cost: £20
Please book via: https://booking.bookinghound.com/fe/book?og=5f4e3594-950a-4085-a4f6-e33026153af2&mode=a&uniqueId=7 ​

Lewis Surf Safari
Traigh Mhor Tolsta
Tuesday 25th, 26th and 28th June, 10am or 1:30pm
Hosted by SurfLewis
Join us for a surf lesson as we celebrate the Outer Hebrides Wildlife Festival. Traigh Mhor beach in Tolsta is a beautiful venue with regular sightings of Sea Birds, Seals, Porpoise and Dolphins.
Suitable for anyone aged 8 and above. Participants must be able to swim 50m unaided. Please bring a towel, something to eat or drink afterwards and any medication required ie Epipen/Inhaler.
Cost: £45
Contact details: contactsurflewis@gmail.com ​

RSPB Loch Stiapabhat Guided Walk
Loch Stiapabhat Local Nature Reserve, Lionel, Ness, Isle of Lewis HS2 0SH
Tuesday 25th June, 10:30am - 12pm
Hosted by Shona Morrison, RSPB
Join Shona Morrison on a guided walk at Loch Stiapabhat (Lionel, Ness) to learn more about the working landscape, the flora and fauna and how the work of local crofters and RSPB helps preserve the diverse machair and moor which supports nature.
Suitable for all, easy walking but would advise waterproof clothing and footwear in the event of wet weather. We would advise contacting us beforehand on outerhebrides@rspb.org.uk for any restricted mobility needs.
Free. No need to book, just turn up.
Contact details: outerhebrides@rspb.org.uk
Image (c) Claire Whitehead​

Seashore Surprises! Discover the plants and animals hidden in the intertidal zone
Dalmore Beach, Isle of Lewis
Tuesday 25th June, 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Hosted by Dr Anna McGregor, University of Glasgow
Come explore and discover the hidden sealife of the intertidal zone!
Living between the tides has many benefits but also some challenges. We will search for common animals and plants that live along the coasts, in the area between high and low tides. We also have an interdisciplinary team of experts that can answer questions about the geological features and cultural history of the area.
Suitable for a range of ages, but participants will need good physical mobility as you will be walking over sandy and rocky terrain. It will be held outside so waterproofs, wellie boots and sunscreen all recommended. Parents should keep small children under supervision although they are welcome to attend!
Free. No booking required but please email anna.mcgregor@glasgow.ac.uk to let her know you intend to join in and to be kept informed about the event (a back up date of Thursday 27 June is planned in case of poor weather).
Contact details: anna.mcgregor@glasgow.ac.uk
[Fully booked] Join wait list incase of any cancellations
Whale and Dolphin Tour with Immerse Hebrides
Inner Marina Harbour, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
Tuesday 25th June, 7pm - 9pm
Hosted by Immerse Hebrides
Take part in a 2 hour exhilarating open-RIB boat tour departing the Inner Marina Harbour, Stornoway.
Children under 16 require a responsible adult present. Not suitable for young children.
Access & egress from the RIB requires a degree of physical ability but our crew are able to assist. Maximum weight 135kg. Minimum height 135cm/4ft 6.
We supply wind & waterproof suits and life jackets. Please bring: hat & gloves; camera; drink & snack; warm clothes
Cost: Adults £75pp Children £60pp
Please book via this link: https://bookeo.com/immersehebrides?devent=221T73LCN18D41204511_2024-06-25_2OInuDfLV9
Contact details: info@immersehebrides.com ​
Image (c) Immerse Hebrides

Out and About Batty Art Workshops
An Lanntair, Stornoway
Wednesday 3rd July - Friday 12th July
Hosted by An Lanntair
Join An Lanntair's arts education team to creatively explore bats through echolocation games and make your own bat kite.
Sessions available for children in various community venues:
Wed 3 July: An Lanntair
Thurs 4 July: Sporsnis, Lionel (book through the Ploigh programme www.ploigh.co.uk
Fri 5 July: Ionad Stoodie, Garrabost
Mon 8 July: Tarbert Community Centre
Tues 9 July: The Hut, Back
Wed 10 July: Balallan Village Hall
Thurs 11 July: Leverburgh
Fri 12 July: Grinneabhat, Bragar
10am – 12pm age 5 – 8
1pm – 3pm age 9 – 12
(except in Spòrsnis, where the morning workshop is for age 9 – 12, and afternoon for age 5 – 8).
Max 15 participants.
Booking essential at https://lanntair.com/events/event/batty-art-workshops/
Cost: £4
The sessions in Spòrsnis on Thurs 4th July are bookable through Ploigh. These sessions will be subsidised with support from Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn. The cost will cost £1 to children who live within the Galson Estate Trust area.
Contact details: moira@anlanntair.com
Image (c) Hugh Clark, Bat Conservation Trust
Traigh Mor, North Tolsta, Isle of Lewis
Tuesday 16 July, 10am - 4pm
Hosted by Samantha Gare, Aoife Glass and Alex South
Artist Sam Gare and musician Alex South are introducing their collaborative artwork, which reflects upon the sad mass stranding of 55 long-finned pilot whales that occured on 16th July 2023 at Traigh Mhòr. This artwork is due to take place in the summer of 2025.
As an introduction to this work Sam is inviting the public to take a ‘solitary’ remembrance walk along Traigh Mhòr on the 1st anniversary of the stranding, whist listening to Alex South’s CETACEA, an instrumental and electronic improvisation with pilot whale vocalisation in collaboration with violist Katherine Wren and Poet Lesley Harrison. On arrival at the beach you can pick up a set of headphones and written introduction.
The walk is self guided and you can take as long as you like, but Sam will be there to answer any questions, and to listen to anyone who would like to share their thoughts.
This is an outside event with walking along the beach. Outdoor clothes required. There are potential access restrictions due to the current beach access (but people can listen to the music in the carpark.) The walk is self guided therefore people can walk for as long or as short as required to suit their own fitness. People could also just choose to sit on the beach as they listen.
Free. No need to book, just turn up.
Contact details: info@samgare.com​

RSPB Loch na Muilne Guided Walk
RSPB Loch na Muilne reserve, Arnol, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9DJ
Thursday 27th June, 10:30am - 12pm
Hosted by Shona Morrison, RSPB
Join our local RSPB staff member Shona Morrison on a walk to discover the Loch na Muilne reserve that nestles within a vast expanse of crofting land exposed to the Atlantic on the Isle of Lewis.
The breeding waders are a highlight here. We tend to see up to nine species of wader breeding on or adjacent to the reserve each year, including the rare Red-necked Phalarope. From late spring through summer, the wetland and surrounding heathland are rich in flowers, including Bog Bean, Bog Asphodel, orchids and carnivorous plants, such as sundews.
Rough terrain so stout waterproof footwear and clothing recommended for this walk. You can bring water, binoculars or a camera with you.
Free. No need to book, just turn up. Meet at the reserve car park.
Contact details: outerhebrides@rspb.org.uk​